Why JBM is different!
Accounting of the past was your typical person behind a desk counting the "beans" and not dealing in reality. We didn't want that. We want a firm that is agile, is able to provide flexible hours for ourselves and our clients, is able to provide the best service at the best price and most of all help people succeed in what they want to do.
Meeting with people and seeing the passion for what they do is what inspires us to do what we do.
In our previous roles in large accounting firms we realised we couldn't do that while charging by the hour. It just wasn't suitable as you didn't have time to really get to know our client.
So we had to break the mould. Through a monthly fixed fee with unlimited support, no office to tie us down and charge you for and partnering with the right products we have managed to create JBM & Associates Limited.
In the four years of operating we have managed to file 100% of our tax returns, meet with clients at a bar, a cafe, their place or ours, never be beaten on price and most of all we have never had bad feedback from a client.

Stuart Ruddell
My name is Stuart Ruddell and I am one of the team at JBM & Associates. We as a group got sick of charging our clients by the hour. We felt at $300+ an hour we didn't have the time to really support and help our clients grow. Being Accountants we still love to do the numbers and help you with your tax but more importantly I want to get you and learn about your life and goals. Both personally and in business. If this sounds like something you would like get in touch and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. We look forward to hearing from you!
E: stuart@jbm.net.nz
P: 0211727306
Book a meeting with us
Our meetings are free and come with coffee. We are happy to talk to you about your business or provide a no obligation quote.